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Conformity check

We provide you with specific support on issues relating to product quality, safety and conformity for food, consumer products and related compliance areas and processes. From product development to the sale to the customer, our portfolio offers you the right solution for the requirements in the value chain!
Benefit from the many years of experience and the comprehensive knowledge of our specialist team.

Our service

We welcome your questions on the topics of development, production, purchasing and marketing of products in over-the-counter and online retail and offer you expert advice. Through years of experience and comprehensive knowledge of our expert team, we can deliver the desired expertise in a proper and professional manner – always to the benefit of our customers. This is a fee based service provided by Markant, please contact our team of experts regarding pricing via the contact form. 

  • Consulting: Support in the implementation of laws, regulations, guidelines & other legal standards
  • Knowledge transfer: Sector-specific training on various specialist topics
  • Product check for Germany, Austria and Switzerland: Checking legal conformity
  • Product marking/labels: Check with regard to all relevant criteria
Abbildung einer jungen Frau, die ein Glas im Supermarkt hält