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Fachthema | Getränke final


Included product groups:

Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages

Fachthema | Biozide


Included product groups:

Pest control, disinfectants, preservatives for wood and construction materials

Fachthema | Chemikalienrecht

Chemicals legislation

Included product groups:

All nonfood products

Fachthema Bauprodukte

Construction products

Included product groups:

Building materials, construction elements, building supplies, horticultural materials, sanitary / heating engineering

Fachthema | Kontrolle, Rückverfolgbarkeit und Transparenz in der Lieferketten final

Control and transparency in the supply chain

Included product groups:

All food and nonfood products

Fachthema | Kosmetik und Körperpflegeprodukte final

Cosmetics and personal care products

Included product groups:

Cosmetics, body care products, feminine hygiene, nappies, toothbrushes

Fachthema | Wasch-, Putz-, Reinigungsmittel final

Detergents and cleaning agents

Included product groups:

Washing, cleaning and detergent products

Fachthema | Ökodesign, Energie- und Effizienzlabel

Ecodesign / energy label / efficiency label

Included product groups:

All nonfood products

Fachthema Elektroartikel und Batterien final

Electrical goods / Batteries

Included product groups:

Small and large electrical appliances, batteries, accumulators, consoles, consumer electronics, multimedia, air conditioning, kitchen appliances

Fachthema | Zusatzstoffe, Aromen und technologische Verfahren final

Food additives, flavourings and technological processes for foodstuffs

Included product groups:

All food

Fachthema | Lebensmittelkontaktmaterialien final

Food contact materials

Included product groups:

Household goods, GPC (glass, porcelain, ceramics), food packaging, food storage

Fachthema | Kennzeichnung von Lebensmitteln final v4

Food labelling

Included product groups:

All food

Fachthema | Lebensmittel tierischer Herkunft final

Food of animal origin

Included product groups:

Milk, meat, egg, fish, seafood and their products, animal fats, beekeeping products

Bild Fachthema Lebensmittel pflanzlicher Herkunft

Food of plant origin and mixed products

Included product groups:

Fruit, vegetables, cereals and their products, nuts, spices, confectionery, vegetable oils, vegan products

Fachthema | Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, Lebensmittel für spezielle Gruppen und angereicherte Lebensmittel final

Food supplements, food for specific groups and enriched foodstuffs

Included product groups:

Food supplements, baby food, complementary food, dietary support

Fachthema Allgemeines Lebensmittelrecht, Lebensmittelsicherheit und -hygiene

Genaral food law, food safety and hygiene

Included product groups:

All food

Fachthema Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte

Medicinal products and medical devices

Included product groups:

Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, health products

Fachthema | Mess-/Eichwesen und Preisangaben final

Metrology / calibration, pricing

Included product groups:

All food and nonfood products

Fachthema | Novel

Novel food and genetic engineering

Included product groups:

All food

Fachthema | Bio- Öko-Erzeugnisse

Organic products

Included product groups:

All food, pet food

Fachthema | Verpackungen und deren Entsorgung final

Packaging and its disposal

Included product groups:

All food and nonfood products

Fachthema | Heimtiernahrung und -bedarf final

Pet food and supplies

Included product groups:

Pet food, pet supplies

Fachthema | Pflanzen und Gartenbau final

Plants and horticulture

Included product groups:

Garden supplies, plants, seeds, fertiliser, plant protection

Bild Fachthema Druckbehälter

Pressure vessels/equipment, machinery and vehicles

Included product groups:

Tools, machines, aerosol packaging, bicycles and accessories, car accessories, trailers, compressors, fire extinguishers

Fachthema | Produktsicherheit und Kennzeichnung von Nonfood-Artikeln final

Product safety and labelling of nonfood articles

Included product groups:

All nonfood products

Fachthema | Geschützte Herkunfts- und Qualitätsangaben

Protected designations of origin and quality

Included product groups:

All food and nonfood products

Fachthema | Schutzausrüstung final

Protective equipment

Included product groups:

Protective clothing, masks, hearing protection, helmets

Fachthema | Rückstände, Kontaminanten und andere unerwünschte Stoffe in Lebensmitteln final

Residues, contaminants and other undesirable substances in foodstuffs

Included product groups:

All food

Fachthema | Textilien und Einrichtung final

Textiles and furnishings

Included product groups:

Clothing, shoes, home textiles, decoration, candles, handicraft supplies, personal accessories, suitcases, bags, furniture

Fachthema | Tabak und E-Zigaretten final

Tobacco and e-cigarettes

Included product groups:

Tobacco products, e-cigarettes, related products

Fachthema | Spielzeug und Unterhaltung final

Toys and entertainment

Included product groups:

Toys, recorded media, consoles, console accessories

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