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Abbildung des Fachthemas Getränke


Included product groups:

Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages

Abbildung des Fachthemas Biozide


Included product groups:

Pest control, disinfectants, preservatives for wood and construction materials

Abbildung des Fachthemas Chemikalienrecht

Chemicals legislation

Included product groups:

All nonfood products

Abbildung des Fachthemas Bauprodukte

Construction products

Included product groups:

Building materials, construction elements, building supplies, horticultural materials, sanitary / heating engineering

Abbildung des Fachthemas Kosmetik und Körperpflegeprodukte final

Cosmetics and personal care products

Included product groups:

Cosmetics, body care products, feminine hygiene, nappies, toothbrushes

Abbildung des Fachthemas Wasch-, Putz-, Reinigungsmittel

Detergents and cleaning agents

Included product groups:

Washing, cleaning and detergent products

Abbildung des Fachthemas Ökodesign, Energie- und Effizienzlabel

Ecodesign / energy label / efficiency label

Included product groups:

All nonfood products

Abbildung des Fachthemas Elektroartikel und Batterien

Electrical goods / Batteries

Included product groups:

Small and large electrical appliances, batteries, accumulators, consoles, consumer electronics, multimedia, air conditioning, kitchen appliances

Abbildung des Fachthemas Zusatzstoffe, Aromen und technologische Verfahren bei Lebensmitteln

Food additives, flavourings and technological processes for foodstuffs

Included product groups:

All food

Abbildung des Fachthemas Lebensmittelkontaktmaterialien

Food contact materials

Included product groups:

Household goods, GPC (glass, porcelain, ceramics), food packaging, food storage

Abbildung des Fachthemas Kennzeichnung von Lebensmitteln

Food labelling

Included product groups:

All food

Abbildung des Fachthemas Lebensmittel tierischer Herkunft

Food of animal origin

Included product groups:

Milk, meat, egg, fish, seafood and their products, animal fats, beekeeping products

Abbildung des Fachthemas Lebensmittel pflanzlicher Herkunft

Food of plant origin and mixed products

Included product groups:

Fruit, vegetables, cereals and their products, nuts, spices, confectionery, vegetable oils, vegan products

Abbildung des Fachthemas Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, Lebensmittel für spezielle Gruppen und angereicherte Lebensmittel

Food supplements, food for specific groups and enriched foodstuffs

Included product groups:

Food supplements, baby food, complementary food, dietary support

Abbildung des Fachthemas Allgemeines Lebensmittelrecht, Lebensmittelsicherheit und -hygiene

Genaral food law, food safety and hygiene

Included product groups:

All food

Abbildung des Fachthemas Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte

Medicinal products and medical devices

Included product groups:

Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, health products

Abbildung des Fachthemas Mess-/Eichwesen und Preisangaben

Metrology / calibration, pricing

Included product groups:

All food and nonfood products

Abbildung des Fachthemas Novel Food und Gentechnik

Novel food and genetic engineering

Included product groups:

All food

Abbildung des Fachthemas Bio- Öko-Erzeugnisse

Organic products

Included product groups:

All food, pet food

Abbildung des Fachthemas Verpackungen und deren Entsorgung

Packaging and its disposal

Included product groups:

All food and nonfood products

Abbildung des Fachthemas Heimtiernahrung und -bedarf

Pet food and supplies

Included product groups:

Pet food, pet supplies

Abbildung des Fachthemas Pflanzen und Gartenbau

Plants and horticulture

Included product groups:

Garden supplies, plants, seeds, fertiliser, plant protection

Abbildung des Fachthemas Druckbehälter

Pressure vessels/equipment, machinery and vehicles

Included product groups:

Tools, machines, aerosol packaging, bicycles and accessories, car accessories, trailers, compressors, fire extinguishers

Abbildung des Fachthemas Produktsicherheit und Kennzeichnung von Nonfood-Artikeln

Product safety and labelling of nonfood articles

Included product groups:

All nonfood products

Abbildung des Fachthemas Geschützte Herkunfts- und Qualitätsangaben

Protected designations of origin and quality

Included product groups:

All food and nonfood products

Abbildung des Fachthemas Schutzausrüstung

Protective equipment

Included product groups:

Protective clothing, masks, hearing protection, helmets

Fachthema Entwaldung Bild mit Wald und einem Bagger

Regulation on Deforestation-free products

Included product groups:

Oil palm, soy, wood, beef, cocoa, coffee, rubber and relevant downstream products

Abbildung des Fachthemas Rückstände, Kontaminanten und andere unerwünschte Stoffe in Lebensmitteln

Residues, contaminants and other undesirable substances in foodstuffs

Included product groups:

All food

Fachthema Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichten

Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG)

Included product groups:

All food and nonfood products

Abbildung des Fachthemas Textilien und Einrichtung

Textiles and furnishings

Included product groups:

Clothing, shoes, home textiles, decoration, candles, handicraft supplies, personal accessories, suitcases, bags, furniture

Abbildung des Fachthemas Tabak und E-Zigaretten

Tobacco and e-cigarettes

Included product groups:

Tobacco products, e-cigarettes, related products

Abbildung des Fachthemas Spielzeug und Unterhaltung

Toys and entertainment

Included product groups:

Toys, recorded media, consoles, console accessories

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