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Food contact materials

This topic includes product-specific information on the following product groups:

Household goods, GPC (glass, porcelain, ceramics), food packaging, food storage

Fact sheets


Labelling of food contact materials and articles

This technical article gives you an overview of the requirements for the labelling of food contact materials and articles (FCM). FCM are finished products that • are intended to come into contact with...

Europäische Union (EU)
fact sheet

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Ban on bisphenol A (BPA) in food contact materials

Bisphenol A (BPA) is a synthetically produced chemical compound and is often used in coatings and seals of food contact materials as a monomer or starting material in the production of epoxy resins...

Europäische Union (EU)


Food contact materials: Amendment of the authorised substances for plastic consumables and printing inks

The FDHA Ordinance on Materials and Articles intended to come into contact with Foodstuffs (Consumer Goods Ordinance) describes these and sets out the requirements. Annexes 2 and 10 have now been...

Schweiz (CH)


Transition period for requirements for plastics for food contact expires soon

In the article referenced below, we provided information on amendments to the Regulation on plastics intended to come into contact with food (Regulation (EU) No 10/2011). The specification or...

Europäische Union (EU)


Transitional period for food contact materials and articles expires soon

The Consumer Goods Regulation was also amended as part of Stretto 4. We reported on the amendments in the referenced article below. The transition period for the amendments ends on 31 January 2025. In...

Schweiz (CH)

Changes to the BfR recommendations for (food) consumer goods based on natural and synthetic rubber (rubber recommendations)

Materials and objects that are intended to come into contact with food must be safe. There are already specific legal guidelines for a number of materials, but not for many of them. The German Federal...

Deutschland (DE)


ALS opinions on food contact materials

Opinions of the Working Group of Food Chemistry Experts of the German states and the German Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (ALS) serve as guidance for the interpretation and...

Deutschland (DE)


Changes to several BfR recommendations for food contact materials

Materials and objects that are intended to come into contact with food must be safe. There are already specific legal guidelines for a number of materials, but not for many of them. The German Federal...

Deutschland (DE)


Form for notification in accordance with the Consumer Goods Regulation

In April 2024, we informed you about the notification obligation for companies that manufacture, handle or place food contact materials and articles LMBG on the market (see referenced article). The...

Deutschland (DE)


Transitional period for notification in accordance with the Consumer Goods Regulation expires soon

In the article referenced below, we reported on the obligation to notify the authorities of companies that manufacture, handle or place food contact materials and articles on the market. The...

Deutschland (DE)


Notification obligation for food contact materials and articles decided

In order to increase consumer safety and guarantee market surveillance with regard to food contact materials and articles, the German Consumer Goods Ordinance will be amended to include a notification...

Deutschland (DE)


Draft revision of Regulation (EU) 10/2011 on quality controls

Regulation (EU) 10/2011 lays down requirements for food contact materials and consumer goods made of plastics. The regulation is to be amended with regard to recycled plastic and quality controls...

Europäische Union (EU)
(Legal) draft


Draft ban on bisphenol A (BPA) in food contact materials

Bisphenol A (BPA) is used in food contact materials, mainly in coatings and seals, where it serves as protection against corrosion. BPA has long to subject to criticism, as studies have shown that BPA...

Europäische Union (EU)
(Legal) draft


Amendment to the Consumer Goods Regulation

As part of the revision of the food law package (Stretto 4), 25 regulations will be amended. The revision is intended to strengthen health and fraud protection and harmonise the content with EU law...

Schweiz (CH)


Disclosure obligation planned for food contact materials and articles

Companies that produce, process or distribute food must report this to the competent authorities. This is to ensure official controls. In the Consumer Goods Ordinance, this obligation is now also...

Deutschland (DE)
(Legal) draft


ALS opinion on the traceability of materials and articles

Opinion of the Working Group of Food Chemistry Experts of the states and the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (ALS) serve as guidance for the interpretation and application of...

Deutschland (DE)


ALS opinions on food contact materials

Opinion of the Working Group of Food Chemistry Experts of the states and the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (ALS) serve as guidance for the interpretation and application of...

Deutschland (DE)


Amendment of the Regulation on Plastics for Food Contact

Regulation (EU) No 10/2011 defines specific requirements for plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food. Annex 1 to the Regulation contains a list of approved substances...

Europäische Union (EU)


Amendment of the Regulation on Plastics for Food Contact

Requirements for plastics for food contact are laid down in Regulation No (EU) 10/2011. This Regulation now amends the specification or requirements for some substances in Annex I. This specifies the...

Europäische Union (EU)

Transitional period for certain recycled materials and objects intended to come into contact with food expires soon

We reported on the new version of the Regulation on recycled plastic for food contact materials in referenced article. This defines requirements for the development of new technologies and for...

Europäische Union (EU)

Change to the valuation basis for metallic materials in contact with drinking water and information on nickel release from chromeplated components

The Drinking Water Regulation in Germany contains provisions to guarantee the quality of drinking water. These include regulations for systems for obtaining, processing and distributing drinking water...

Deutschland (DE)


Draft amendment to Annex I Regulation on plastic food contact articles

Regulation (EU) No 10/2011 governs plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food Now the draft amending regulation has been published, which provides for the amendment of...

Europäische Union (EU)
(Legal) draft

Extended transitional period for the use of valuation bases for materials in contact with drinking water ends soon

We informed you about the update to the transitional arrangement for the use of valuation bases of materials that come into contact with drinking water in the article referenced below. As was the case...

Deutschland (DE)


Changes to the consumer goods regulation

The EDI Regulation on materials and articles intended to come into contact with food (consumer goods regulation) describes consumer goods and defines the requirements for them. References to the LMVV...

Schweiz (CH)


CH: Transitional period of permitted substances for food contact inks expires

Previously we informed you of the change to the list of permitted substances for manufacturing inks and requirements for these substances in Annex 10 to the Consumer Goods Regulation. The four...

Schweiz (CH)


Drafts amending the Consumer Goods Regulation

The entry of mineral oil hydrocarbons, especially aromatic mineral oil hydrocarbons (MOAH), into food is largely via food contact materials made from recycled paper. The health effects of the...

Deutschland (DE)
(Legal) draft

Opinion of the working group of food chemistry experts of the states and the federal office for consumer protection and food safety on consumer goods

Opinion of the Working Group of Food Chemistry Experts of the states and the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (ALS) serve as guidance for the interpretation and application of...

Deutschland (DE)


Transition period for plastic articles that contact food expires

In the article referenced below, we reported on an extensive amendmentto Regulation No 10/2011. This regulation contains specifications for plastic materials and articles that come into contact with...

Europäische Union (EU)

Evaluation of soldered products that contact drinking water

The German Drinking Water Ordinance (TrinkwV) specifies requirements for substances and materials which are used in infrastructure for the extraction, treatment or distribution of drinking water and...

Deutschland (DE)


Changes to several BfR recommendations for food contact materials

Materials and objects that are intended to come into contact with food must be safe. There are already specific legal guidelines for a number of materials, but not for many of them. The German Federal...

Deutschland (DE)

Trinkwasserkontaktmaterialien – Änderung der Bewertungsgrundlage für Kunststoffe und andere organische Materialien

Materialien in Kontakt mit Trinkwasser müssen gemäß Trinkwasserverordnung (TrinkwV) bestimmte hygienische Anforderungen erfüllen. So dürfen Sie den Geruch oder Geschmack des Wassers nicht nachteilig...

Deutschland (DE)


Amending EU Plastics Regulation (EU) No 10/2011

The EU Plastics Regulation No 10/2011 contains guidelines for plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food (food contact materials). Amendments are currently being made to...

Europäische Union (EU)

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