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Protected designations of origin and quality

This topic includes product-specific information on the following product groups:

All food and nonfood products

Fact sheets

Protected designations for food and spirits

A protected designation establishes a connection between a product and a geographical area or a specific type of manufacture. The system of protected designations has been in place in the EU since the...

fact sheet

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Amendment to the Regulation on Swiss designations of origin

The Regulation on the use of Swiss designations of origin for food (HasLV) governs the use of the designation of origin for Switzerland. The "Swissness" rules stipulate that 80% of the raw materials...


Formale Berichtigung der Agrargeoschutz-Verweisanpassungsverordnung

Translation coming soon Agrargeoschutz-Verweisanpassungsverordnung (AgrarGeoSVAV) dient dazu in verschiedenen Verordnungen die Verweise an geändertes Unionsrecht anzupassen. Nun wurde diese Verordnung...


Draft law on the implementation of the reform and extension of the protection of geographical indications

In May 2024, the EU revised and comprehensively amended the Regulation on geographical indications, traditional specialities guaranteed and optional quality terms. The new version means that German...

(Legal) draft

Entries and amendments to protected designations of origin or guaranteed traditional specialities

This article provides information on new entries and amendments of protected designations of origin for food and wine. 1. Food 1.1 New entries for protected designations of origin (PDO) and protected...


Planned changes to geographical indications and traditional specialities guaranteed

Geographical indications protect the names of products from certain regions with special characteristics against imitation. It also ensures that high standards are maintained in the manufacture of...

(Legal) draft

Entries and amendments to protected designations of origin or guaranteed traditional specialities

This article provides information on new entries and amendments of protected designations of origin for food, spirits and wine. 1. Food 1.1 New entries for protected designations of origin (PDO) and...


Adaptations to Union law due to the amendment of the regulation on geographical indications

As part of the revision of the regulation on geographical indications for wines, spirits and agricultural products and on traditional specialities guaranteed and optional quality terms for...


Correction of the regulation on geographical indications

Regulation (EU) 2024/1143 on geographical indications for wines, spirits and agricultural products and on guaranteed traditional specialities and optional quality indications for agricultural products...


Changes to the Wine Act and Food Specialities Act

Among other things, the Wine Act lays down regulations regarding growing regions and quality indications for German wines. The Food Specialities Act, for example, deals with the prohibition of the...


Revision of the regulation on geographical indications

Geographical indications protect the names of products from certain regions with special characteristics against imitation. It also ensures that high standards are maintained in the manufacture of...


Entries and amendments to protected designations of origin and guaranteed traditional specialities

This article provides information on new entries and amendments of protected designations of origin for food and wine. 1. Food 1.1 New entries for protected designations of origin (PDO) and protected...


Eintragungen und Änderungen zu geschützten Herkunftsangaben

Translation coming soon Dieser Beitrag informiert über neue Eintragungen, Änderungen und Ablehnungen geschützter Herkunftsangaben von 1. Lebensmittel 2. Wein 3. Spirituosen 1. Lebensmittel 1.1 Neue...


Amendment to the PDO/PGI Regulation regarding the specifications

The PDO/PGI Regulation lays down the conditions for the registration of agricultural, processed agricultural, forestry and processed forestry products as a protected designation of origin (PDO) or as...


Amendment to the Regulation on Swiss designations of origin

The Regulation on the use of Swiss designations of origin for food (HasLV) governs the use of the designation of origin for Switzerland. The "Swissness" rules stipulate that 80% of the raw materials...


Entries and amendments to protected indications of origin

This article provides information on new entries, amendments and rejections of protected indications of source of Food Wine Spirit drinks 1. Food 1.1 New entries for protected designations of origin...


Regulation on the protection of geographical indications for craft and industrial products published

A system for the protection and promotion of traditional and regional foods, wines and spirits has been in place in the EU for years. This regulation now establishes a standardised system for the...


Transitional period for labelling of Swiss origin for unavailable raw materials ends

In the article referenced below, we provided information on an amendment to the HasLV (Regulation on the use of Swiss indications of origin for foodstuffs), which lays down provisions that must be...


Registrations and amendments to protected indications of source or guarantees traditional specialities

This information letter provides information on new registrations, amendments and refusals of protected source indications of Food Wine Spirit drinks 1. Food 1.1. New entries for protected...


Entries and amendments for protected designations of origin

This information letter provides information on new entries and amendments to protected designations of origin of Foods Wine 1. Foods 1.1 New entries for protected designations of origin (PDO) and...


Entries and amendments for protected designations of origin and traditional specialities guaranteed

This information letter provides information on new entries and amendments of protected designations of origin and traditional specialities guaranteed Foods Wine Spirit drinks 1. Food 1.1 New entries...


Entries, amendments and cancellations of protected designations of origin and traditional specialities guaranteed

This information letter provides information on new entries and amendments of protected designations of origin and traditional specialities guaranteed Foods Wine 1. Food 1.1 New entries for protected...


Amendment of the bilateral agreement on protected indications of origin

The trade agreement between the European Union and the Swiss Confederation regulates the terms for trade in agricultural products between the EU Member States and Switzerland. Annex 12 of the...


Lists for the calculation of the designation of origin "Switzerland" published

We reported on changes to Regulations on the use of Swiss indications of origin for food (HasLV, HasLV-WBF) in the article referenced below. They govern the use of the designation of origin...


Entries, amendments and cancellations of protected designations of origin and traditional specialities guaranteed

This information letter provides information on new entries and amendments of protected designations of origin and traditional specialities guaranteed Foods Wine 1. Food 1.1. New entries for protected...


Entries and amendments for protected designations of origin and traditional specialities guaranteed

This information letter provides information on new entries and amendments of protected designations of origin and traditional specialities guaranteed 1. Foods 2. Wine 3. Spirit drinks 1. Food 1.1...


Transitional period of the designation "Zuger Kirschtorte" (cherry cake) will expire shortly

We informed you of the bilateral agreement between the EU and Switzerland on protected designations of origin in the article referenced below. The agreement entered into force on 1 November 2020. The...


Protected indications: Modification of the process for changing existing specifications

Protected designations of origin, protected geographical indications and guaranteed traditional specialities are regulated in Regulation (EU) 1151/2012. The regulation and its implementation...


Entries, amendments and cancellations of protected designations of origin and traditional specialities guaranteed

This information letter provides information on new entries and amendments of protected designations of origin and traditional specialities guaranteed 1. Foods 2. Wine 3. Spirit drinks 1. Food 1.1...


Amendment to regulations regarding Swiss indications of origin

The HasLV and HasLV-WBF define requirements that must be adhered to if a food has Swiss indications of origin. The regulations have now been amended. HasLV The federal government previously prepared a...


New regulation on the protection of geographical indications for non-agricultural products planned

Legal regulations on geographical indications for food and agricultural products already exist throughout the EU. This system will now be set up for artisanal and industrial products that come from a...

(Legal) draft

Change to the EU Quality Schemes Implementing Act

The EU Quality Rules Implementing Act serves to implement the following EU Regulations: Regulation (EU) No 1151/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 November 2012 on quality...


Entries, amendments and cancellations of protected designations of origin and traditional specialities guaranteed

This information letter provides information on new entries and amendments of protected designations of origin and traditional specialities guaranteed 1. Foods 2. Wine 3. Spirit drinks 1. Food 1.1...


"Ceylon Cinnamon" registered as PGI

Regulation (EU) No 1151/2012 governs the registering and protection of geographical indications and designations of origin for agricultural products and foodstuffs. At the request of Sri Lanka the...


Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and Geographical Indications: publication of the Implementing Regulations the Geneva Act and the amendment to the Swiss Trade Mark Protection Acts

The Geneva Act is an autonomous international treaty The treaty states may have designations of origin or geographical indications protected via an international registration system in all the...


Amendment of the bilateral agreement on protected indications of origin

The trade agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation regulates the terms for trade in agricultural products between the EU Member States and Switzerland. Annex 12 of the...


EU accedes to international agreement on appellations of origin and geographical indications – Switzerland intends to accede

The Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration of 1958 has already been revised several times. With the Geneva Act, a treaty administered by the...


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