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Fachthema Ökodesign, Energie- und Effizienzlabel fading v4

Ecodesign / energy label / efficiency label

This topic includes product-specific information on the following product groups:

All nonfood products

Fact sheets

Pumps, heating and air conditioning technology for which ecodesign requirements or energy labels are mandatory

Requirements for the environmentally sound design of a product, or ecodesign for short, are generally intended to reduce the consumption of resources. Above all, electricity consumption, but also...

Europäische Union (EU)
fact sheet

(Consumer) electronics and lighting subject to ecodesign or energy labelling requirements

Requirements for the environmentally sound design of a product, or ecodesign for short, are generally intended to reduce the consumption of resources. Above all, electricity consumption, but also...

Europäische Union (EU)
fact sheet

Large household appliances for which ecodesign requirements or energy labels are mandatory

Requirements for the environmentally sound design of a product, or ecodesign for short, are generally intended to reduce the consumption of resources. Above all, electricity consumption, but also...

Europäische Union (EU)
fact sheet

Presentation of the rescaled energy label in advertising, brochures and catalogues

Many household appliances have to be marked with a label that lists their energy efficiency and energy consumption as well as their use of other resources: this is the energy label. So far the...

Europäische Union (EU)
fact sheet

Presentation of the rescaled energy label for online business

Many household appliances have to be marked with a label that lists their energy efficiency and energy consumption as well as their use of other resources: this is the energy label. So far the...

Europäische Union (EU)
fact sheet

No results.


Übergangsfrist für Ökodesign-Anforderungen an Haushalts- und Bürogeräte endet bald

Translation coming soon Im unten referenzierten Beitrag berichteten wir über die mit dem Inkrafttreten der Verordnung (EU) 2023/826 verbundene Festlegung neuer Anforderungen an die umweltgerechte...

Europäische Union (EU)

Draft amendment to the ecodesign requirements for motorised fans

In the article referenced below, we reported on the entry into force of Regulation (EU) 2024/1834. It specifies ecodesign requirements for fans driven by motors with an electrical input power between...

Europäische Union (EU)
(Legal) draft

Update of a harmonised standard on household washing machines

Regulation (EU) 2019/2023 lays down ecodesign requirements for household washing machines and household washer-dryers, including built-in household washing machines and built-in household washer...

Europäische Union (EU)

Draft of new ecodesign requirements for external power supplies, chargers and USB-C cables published

A draft regulation has been published laying down ecodesign requirements for external power supplies, wireless chargers, wireless charging pads, chargers for portable batteries for general use and USB...

Europäische Union (EU)
(Legal) draft

Publication of a harmonised standard for gas boilers

The following harmonised standard for gas boilers was published in the Official Journal of the European Union by Implementing Decision (EU) 2024/2909 in support of Regulation (EU) No 813/2013 laying...

Europäische Union (EU)

New energy label for tumble dryers to be applied soon

In the article referenced below, we reported on the adaptation of the energy label for household tumble dryers to the new requirements of Regulation (EU) 2023/2534. The range of energy efficiency...

Europäische Union (EU)

Reminder about the obligation to disclose the destruction of unsold products

In the article referenced below, we reported on the publication of the Ecodesign Regulation (EU) 2024/1781 (Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation, ESPR). It came into force on 18 July 2024 and...

Europäische Union (EU)

Draft of an amendment to the ecodesign requirements for tumble dryers and household and office appliances

This draft regulation is intended to amend Regulation (EU) 2023/2533 defining ecodesign requirements for household tumble driers and Regulation (EU) 2023/826 defining ecodesign requirements for the...

Europäische Union (EU)
(Legal) draft

Draft on the introduction of a reparability value for household tumble dryers

As of 1 July 2025, household tumble dryers will be subject to the ecodesign requirements of Regulation (EU) 2023/2533 and the energy labelling requirements of Regulation (EU) 2023/2534. These two...

Europäische Union (EU)
(Legal) draft

Establishment of the Expert Group on Ecodesign for Sustainable Products and Energy Labelling

On 18 July 2024, Regulation (EU) 2024/1781 establishing a framework for the setting of ecodesign requirements for sustainable products (Ecodesign Regulation) entered into force. It replaces the...

Europäische Union (EU)

Publication of a harmonised standard for water-air fan coil units

According to the Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC, products manufactured in accordance with harmonised standards, the references of which have been published in the Official Journal of the European...

Europäische Union (EU)

Corrigendum to the Implementing Regulation laying down operational details of EPREL

In the article referenced below, we reported on the entry into force of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/994 laying down operational details of the European Product Registry for Energy Labelling...

Europäische Union (EU)

End of the sales period for refrigerators, washing machines and dishwashers

In the article referenced below, we reported on changes to the Energy Efficiency Regulation (EnEV). The requirements for the environmentally compatible design, referred to as the ecodesign, and the...

Schweiz (CH)

Opening of the consultation on the partial revision of the Energy Efficiency Regulation

The consultation on the partial revision of the Energy Efficiency Regulation (EnEV) was opened on 18 September 2024. The consultation ends on 20 December 2024 . According to the current status, most...

Schweiz (CH)
(Legal) draft

Publication of a harmonised standard for refrigeration appliances with a direct sales function

A harmonised standard with product-specific technical specifications for Regulations (EU) 2019/2018 and 2019/2024 has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union. Regulations (EU)...

Europäische Union (EU)

Corrigendum to the new EU Ecodesign Regulation

In the article referenced below, we reported on the publication of the new Ecodesign Regulation (EU) 2024/1781 in the Official Journal of the European Union. The Regulation came into force on 18 July...

Europäische Union (EU)

Regulations on the European Product Registry for Energy Labelling will soon apply

In the article referenced below, we reported on the publication of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/994 laying down operational details of the European Product Registry for Energy Labelling (EPREL)...

Europäische Union (EU)

New ecodesign requirements for motorised fans

Directive 2009/125/EC currently establishes the legal framework for defining ecodesign requirements for energy-related products in the EU. Product-specific ecodesign requirements are defined in...

Europäische Union (EU)

Harmonised standards for condensing units for refrigeration applications

In addition to Directive 2009/125/EC, Regulation (EU) 2015/1095 lays down harmonised requirements for the ecodesign of commercial refrigerated storage cabinets, blast chillers/freezers, condensing...

Europäische Union (EU)

Correction of the ecodesign requirements for local space heaters and separate associated controllers

Directive 2009/125/EC establishes the legal framework for defining ecodesign requirements for energy-related products in the EU. Product-specific ecodesign requirements are defined in individual EU...

Europäische Union (EU)

New ecodesign requirements for local space heaters and separate associated controllers

Directive 2009/125/EC establishes the legal framework for defining ecodesign requirements for energy-related products in the EU. Product-specific ecodesign requirements are defined in individual EU...

Europäische Union (EU)

Defining operational details of the European Product Registry for Energy Labelling

Regulation (EU) 2017/1369 forms the legal framework for the energy labelling of energy-related products. An "energy-related product" is a device or system whose use influences energy consumption and...

Europäische Union (EU)

End of the sales period for motors and frequency converters

In the article referenced below, we reported on changes to the Energy Efficiency Regulation (EnEV). The requirements for the environmentally compatible design (ecodesign) and the energy label were...

Schweiz (CH)

Harmonised standard for solid fuel boilers published

With Implementing Decision (EU) 2024/564, the European Commission has published a harmonised standard for solid fuel boilers and combined solid fuel boiler systems, auxiliary heaters, temperature...

Europäische Union (EU)

Amendments to the Energy Efficiency Regulation

The Energy Efficiency Regulation (EnEV) specifies requirements relating to energy consumption and the labelling of series-produced systems, vehicles and appliances with the energy label. The aim is to...

Schweiz (CH)

Abolition of the exemption for refrigerators from the Cassis de Dijon principle will soon come into force

In the article referenced below, we reported on an amendment to the regulation on the placement on the market of products in accordance with foreign regulations (VIPaV). Accordingly, the exemption for...

Schweiz (CH)

New energy label for household tumble dryers

Regulation (EU) 2017/1369 forms the legal framework for the energy labelling of products. The energy labels for individual product groups are set out in product-specific regulations. Regulation (EU)...

Europäische Union (EU)

Ecodesign regulations for household tumble dryers updated

Directive 2009/125/EC establishes a legal framework for ecodesign requirements for products in the EU. The primary objective of these measures is to reduce energy consumption in the EU. Product...

Europäische Union (EU)

Transitional period for ecodesign requirements for various household appliances expires

In the article referenced below, we reported on changes to the Energy Efficiency Regulation (EnEV). The requirements for the environmentally compatible design (ecodesign) and the energy label were...

Schweiz (CH)

Transitional period for implementing ecodesign requirements for various household appliances ends soon

In the articles referenced below, we reported about new legal requirements for the environmentally friendly design (ecodesign) of various household appliances. Regulations (EU) 2019/2019, 2019/2022...

Europäische Union (EU)

New ecodesign specifications for fans in planning

For products that are found in many households and/or are energy-relevant, environmentally friendly design specifications can be defined to help reduce the use of resources. Directive 2009/125/EC...

Europäische Union (EU)
(Legal) draft

ECJ decision on energy efficiency claims in advertising

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) dealt with questions for a preliminary ruling on the indication of the energy efficiency class and the range of energy efficiency classes in advertising in case C...

Europäische Union (EU)

Transitional period for ecodesign requirements for various household appliances expires

In the article referenced below, we reported on changes to the Energy Efficiency Regulation (EnEV). The requirements for the environmentally compatible design (ecodesign) and the energy label were...

Schweiz (CH)

Expiry of the sales period for displays, servers, data storage products and welding equipment in accordance with the Energy Efficiency Regulation

In the article referenced below, we reported on changes to the Energy Efficiency Regulation (EnEV). The requirements for the environmentally compatible design (ecodesign) and the energy label were...

Schweiz (CH)

Corrigendum to several regulations on energy labels

Regulations (EU) No 626/2011, (EU) 2019/2015 and (EU) 2019/2016 set out energy label requirements for air conditioners, light sources and refrigeration appliances. The regulations contain several...

Europäische Union (EU)

Updated harmonised standard for dishwashers

Regulation (EU) 2019/2022 contains ecodesign requirements and Regulation (EU) 2019/2017 contains energy label requirements for household dishwashers. Where harmonised standards are used to assess the...

Europäische Union (EU)

New energy label for smartphones and tablets

Regulation (EU) 2017/1369 forms the legal framework for the energy labelling of products. The energy labels for individual product groups are set out in product-specific regulations. Regulation (EU)...

Europäische Union (EU)

New ecodesign requirements for phones and tablets

Directive 2009/125/EC establishes a legal framework for ecodesign requirements for products in the EU. The primary objective of these measures is to reduce energy consumption in the EU. Product...

Europäische Union (EU)

Draft energy labels and ecodesign for smartphones and tablets adopted

The draft regulation on energy labelling aims to introduce an energy label for smartphones and tablets. It should include information on energy efficiency and material efficiency (e.g. battery life...

Europäische Union (EU)
(Legal) draft

Corrections to the Energy Efficiency Regulation

The Energy Efficiency Regulation (EnEV) specifies requirements relating to energy consumption and the labelling of devices with the energy label with the aim of reducing energy consumption. The...

Schweiz (CH)

New ecodesign requirements for household and office equipment

Directive 2009/125/EC establishes a legal framework for ecodesign requirements for products in the EU. The primary objective of these measures is to reduce energy consumption in the EU. Product...

Europäische Union (EU)

Transitional period of the Energy Efficiency Regulation for motors and frequency converters expires soon

We reported on the changes to the Energy Efficiency Regulation (EnEV) in referenced article. The requirements for the environmentally compatible design (ecodesign) and the energy label were changed...

Schweiz (CH)

Energy efficiency of refrigerators: Exception from the Cassis de Dijon principle will be deleted

According to the Cassis de Dijon principle, products that meet the EU technical requirements and are lawfully placed on the market there may generally also be placed on the market in Switzerland...

Schweiz (CH)

Tightening of ecodesign requirements for individual room heaters planned

The EU Commission has presented a draft for a new regulation of the ecodesign requirements for individual room heaters, which extends and tightens the ecodesign requirements. Heated towel rails and...

Europäische Union (EU)
(Legal) draft

New energy label for tumble dryers planned

In addition to the draft revision of the ecodesign requirements for household tumble dryers, the EU Commission has now presented a draft revision of the energy labels for tumble dryers. The scale of...

Europäische Union (EU)
(Legal) draft

Tightening of ecodesign requirements for household tumble dryers planned

The EU Commission has presented a draft for a new regulation of the ecodesign requirements for household tumble dryers. This is intended to extend and tighten the ecodesign requirements. Among other...

Europäische Union (EU)
(Legal) draft

Transitional period for energy efficiency labels on light sources expires soon

In the article reference below, we informed you about the revision of energy labels for light sources and changes in the obligations to be fulfilled by suppliers and retailers. The following changes...

Europäische Union (EU)

Energy efficiency requirements for welding equipment: Commission refrains from launching infringement proceedings

In the article referenced below, we reported on ecodesign requirements for welding equipment. Regulation (EU) 2019/1784 has been in force since November 2019. Compliance with the Regulation has been...

Europäische Union (EU)

Amendment to the Energy Efficiency Regulation

The Energy Efficiency Regulation (EnEV) specifies requirements relating to energy consumption and the labelling of devices with the energy label with the aim of reducing energy consumption. The...

Schweiz (CH)

Amended guidelines for the ecodesign of electronic displays will enter into force soon

We reported on a change to the Energy Efficiency Regulation (EnEV) in the article referenced below. With this change, requirements for the design of equipment (ecodesign) were amended or revised. As...

Schweiz (CH)

Numerous transitional periods of the Energy Efficiency Regulation will expire

We informed you about changes to the Energy Efficiency Regulation (EnEV) with Information Letter No 2020_132. The requirements for the environmentally compatible design (ecodesign) and the energy...

Schweiz (CH)

New work programme for ecodesign and energy labelling 2022-2024

In the current communication, the EU Commission announces which new or revised requirements for ecodesign and the energy label it intends to develop in the years 2022 to 2024. Their focus is on...

Europäische Union (EU)
(Legal) draft

Draft to significantly extend the scope of the Ecodesign Directive has been published

Under the Ecodesign Directive, requirements are made for the sustainable design of products. So far, the focus has been on energy efficiency or resource consumption. According to the now published...

Europäische Union (EU)
(Legal) draft

The sell-off deadline for motors and frequency converters is expiring

The Energy Efficiency Ordinance (EnEV) specifies requirements relating to energy consumption and the labelling of devices with the energy label with the aim of reducing energy consumption...

Schweiz (CH)

New ecodesign requirements for luminaires

Directive 2009/125/EC establishes a legal framework for ecodesign requirements for products in the EU. The primary objective of these measures is to reduce energy consumption in the EU. Product...

Europäische Union (EU)

Änderungen der Vorgaben an die Energieeffizienz und das Energieetikett mehrerer Produktgruppen

Die Energieeffizienzverordnung (EnEV) legt Anforderungen an den Energieverbrauch und die Kennzeichnung mit dem Energieetikett von Geräten fest, mit dem Ziel diesen zu senken. Anforderungen werden an...

Schweiz (CH)

Discontinuation of use of the luminaire label from 25.12.2019 and new energy label for lamps

Regulation (EU) 2017/1369 forms the legal framework for the energy labelling of products. The energy labels for individual product groups are set out in product-specific regulations. The energy label...

Europäische Union (EU)

New ecodesign requirements for washing machines and washer-dryers

Directive 2009/125/EC establishes a legal framework for ecodesign requirements for products in the EU. The primary objective of these measures is to reduce energy consumption in the EU. Product...

Europäische Union (EU)

New ecodesign requirements for refrigerating appliances

Directive 2009/125/EC establishes a legal framework for ecodesign requirements for products in the EU. The primary objective of these measures is to reduce energy consumption in the EU. Product...

Europäische Union (EU)

New ecodesign requirements for dishwashers

Directive 2009/125/EC establishes a legal framework for ecodesign requirements for products in the EU. The primary objective of these measures is to reduce energy consumption in the EU. Product...

Europäische Union (EU)

EU: Ecodesign requirements for welding equipment

Directive 2009/125/EC establishes the framework for the setting of ecodesign requirements for energy-related products. The Commission assesses which products have significant potential for saving...

Europäische Union (EU)

No results.