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Fachthema lebensmittel_tierischer_herkunft v6

Food of animal origin

This topic includes product-specific information on the following product groups:

Dairy, meat, egg, fish, seafood, animal fats, beekeeping products

No results.



Extension of the Animal Husbandry Labelling Act planned

From the beginning of August 2025, fresh, chilled or frozen pork offered for sale in Switzerland (including minced meat and offal) for sale to the final consumer must be labelled with the farming...

Deutschland (DE)
(Legal) draft


Amendment of the meat guidelines regarding minced poultry products planned

The "Meat and Meat Products" expert committee of the German Food Codex Commission has published a recommendation to amend the guidelines for meat and meat products. A reorganisation is planned in 2.1...

Deutschland (DE)
(Legal) draft


Amendment of guidelines for fish and fish products

The German Food Code is a collection of guidelines which describe the manufacturing, composition or other characteristics of numerous foods. The guidelines for meat and meat products have now been...

Deutschland (DE)


Formal amendment of the guidelines for good hygiene practice in apiaries

The guidelines for good hygiene practice in apiaries aim to supportbeekeepers in the practical implementation of basic obligations. All apicultural activities, including beekeeping, are considered...

Österreich (AT)


Decisions of the ALTS on food of animal origin

The decisions of the working group comprising experts in the field of food hygiene and foodstuffs of animal origin (the ALTS) serve as guidance for the interpretation and application of foodstuffs...

Deutschland (DE)


Regulation amending market organisation rules for animal products published

The ordinance published in November amending the market organisation regulations for animal products essentially represents the necessary adjustments to the national ordinance on marketing standards...

Deutschland (DE)

Formal adaptation of the guideline for the assessment of fruit preparations for the manufacture of dairy products

The Lebensmittelverband Deutschland e.V. (formerly Bund für Lebensmittelrecht und Lebensmittelkunde e. V. (BLL)) publishes guidelines that are intended to reflect the public perception of the food...

Deutschland (DE)


Minor amendment to the Egg Regulation

The Regulation on the Egg Market (Egg Regulation, EiV) contains requirements for the import, labelling and recycling measures (market relief measures) for eggs. This Regulation introduces minor...

Schweiz (CH)


Amendment of guidelines for fish and fish products

The German Food Code is a collection of guidelines which describe the manufacturing, composition or other characteristics of numerous foods. The guidelines for fish and fish products have now been...

Deutschland (DE)


Transitional period under the Regulation on Food of Animal Origin ends soon

The Regulation on Food of Animal Origin was also amended as part of Stretto 4. We reported on the amendments in the referenced article below. Food may still be produced, imported and labelled in...

Schweiz (CH)


Transitional period for the labelling of eggs ends soon

In the article referenced below, we reported on the update of the marketing standard for eggs and the amendment to Regulation (EU) 1308/2013. From 8 November 2024 , eggs may only be labelled at the...

Europäische Union (EU)


Amendment of the guideline for insects bred as food

In addition to the Codex chapters, the Austrian Food Code contains hygiene guidelines that can help food business operators to comply with food law requirements. The guideline for insects bred as food...

Österreich (AT)


Amendment of the Codex Section on honey and other apiculture products

The Austrian Foodstuffs Code (Codex Alimentarius Austriacus) lays down designations, definitions, methods of investigation and principles of assessment as well as guidelines for the manufacture and...

Österreich (AT)

Amendment of Codex chapter on edible fats and edible oils

The Austrian Foodstuffs Code (Codex Alimentarius Austriacus) lays down designations, definitions, methods of investigation and principles of assessment as well as guidelines for the manufacture and...

Österreich (AT)


Amendment to Codex chapter B 14 Meat and meat products

The Austrian Foodstuffs Code (Codex Alimentarius Austriacus) lays down designations, definitions, methods of investigation and principles of assessment as well as guidelines for the manufacture and...

Österreich (AT)


Trade designation of fish changed

The correct labelling of fishery and aquaculture products contains the scientific names and the trade designation. The German Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE) keeps the list of trade...

Deutschland (DE)


Amendment of guidelines for fish and fish products planned

This draft amendment to the guidelines for fish and fish products contains mainly formal changes that are intended to improve readability or harmonise with other guidelines. In addition, some things...

Deutschland (DE)
(Legal) draft


Amendment to the guidelines on honey and thickened milk

As part of the "from farm to fork" strategy, measures are to be implemented for a more environmentally friendly, healthier and more sustainable food system. This includes, for example, promoting the...

Europäische Union (EU)


Corrigendum of marketing standards for eggs

In the article referenced below, we reported on the revision of marketing standards for eggs. Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/2466 was issued for this purpose, which contains implementing provisions...

Europäische Union (EU)


Trade descriptions for fishery products

The correct labelling of fishery and aquaculture products contains the scientific names and the trade designation. The German Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE) keeps the list of trade...

Deutschland (DE)


Corrigendum of marketing standards for eggs

In the article referenced below, we reported on an amendment of marketing standards for eggs. A corrigendum for Regulation (EU) 2023/2465 has now been published. Annex I contains the designations that...

Europäische Union (EU)


Amendment of guidelines for meat and meat products

The German Food Code is a collection of guidelines which describe the manufacturing, composition or other characteristics of numerous foods. The guidelines for meat and meat products have now been...

Deutschland (DE)


Trade descriptions for fishery products

The correct labelling of fishery and aquaculture products contains the scientific names and the trade designation. The German Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE) keeps the list of trade...

Deutschland (DE)


Amendment of guidelines planned for meat and meat products

The "Meat and Meat Products" expert committee of the German Food Codex Commission has published a recommendation to amend the guidelines for meat and meat products. A reorganisation is planned in 2.1...

Deutschland (DE)
(Legal) draft


Trade descriptions for fishery products added to list

The correct labelling of fishery and aquaculture products contains the scientific names and the trade designation. The German Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE) keeps the list of trade...

Deutschland (DE)


Regulation amending fisheries control published

Among other things, this Regulation amending fisheries control adapts the definition of "batch" to the definition in food law. A new article (56a) deals with the "composition of batches of certain...

Europäische Union (EU)


Amendment of the Regulation on food of animal origin

As part of the revision of the food law package (Stretto 4), 25 regulations will be amended. The revision is intended to strengthen health and fraud protection and harmonise the content with EU law...

Schweiz (CH)


FAQ on Animal Rearing Labelling Act published by BMEL

In the referenced article, we provided information on the publication of the Animal Rearing Labelling Act. From August 2025, fresh pork must feature the national animal rearing label. The German...

Deutschland (DE)


Amendment of Codex Section on meat and meat products

The Austrian Foodstuffs Code (Codex Alimentarius Austriacus) lays down designations, definitions, methods of investigation and principles of assessment as well as guidelines for the manufacture and...

Österreich (AT)


Revision of marketing standards for eggs

The marketing standards for poultry eggs of the genus Gallus gallus are set out in Regulation (EU) 1308/2013. Regulation (EC) No 589/2008 codifies implementation procedures for the marketing standards...

Europäische Union (EU)

Amendment to the LMIDV on the designation of origin for loose meat enters into force

In the article referenced below, we reported on the amendment of the Food Implementing Regulation (LMIDV). The amendment concerns the mandatory designation of origin for non-pre-packaged fresh...

Deutschland (DE)


Transitional period for the Codex chapter on milk and dairy products ends soon

In the article referenced below, we provided information about the new version of the Codex chapter "Milk and dairy products". Chapter 3 "Cheese" has been completely revised in the new version. The...

Österreich (AT)


Amendment of guidelines for fish and fish products

The guidelines for fish and fish products have been amended. In section on the preparation and designation of marinades (marinated fish products), a further point is added for marinades made...

Deutschland (DE)


Editorial amendment to the guidelines for crustaceans and molluscs

An amendment to the guidelines for crustaceans and molluscs and products thereof was published in the Federal Gazette. The amendment concerns the definitions of crustaceans and molluscs and several...

Deutschland (DE)


Decisions of ALTS on meat and meat products

The decisions of the working group comprising experts in the field of food hygiene and foodstuffs of animal origin (the ALTS) serve as guidance for the interpretation and application of foodstuffs...

Deutschland (DE)


Consultation procedure opened on the amendment of the guidelines for fish and fish products

The German Food Book Commission (DLMBK) opened the consultation procedure for the amendment of the guidelines for fish and fish products on 5 September 2023. New in the draft is the introduction of...

Deutschland (DE)
(Legal) draft


Animal Rearing Labelling Act published

In order to meet the increased consumer interest in information on the rearing of animals used for the production of food, this Animal Rearing Labelling Act was enacted. So far, the law regulates the...

Deutschland (DE)

Amendment to the LMIDV published on the designation of origin for loose meat

The national Food Information Implementing Regulation (LMIDV) contains supplementary implementing regulations to the European Food Information Regulation (LMIV). This amendment inserts § 4 b on the...

Deutschland (DE)


Notice of changes to the trade designations for fishery products

The correct labelling of fishery and aquaculture products contains the scientific names and the trade designation. The German Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE) keeps the "list of...

Deutschland (DE)


Amendment of Codex Section on meat and meat products

The Austrian Foodstuffs Code (Codex Alimentarius Austriacus) lays down designations, definitions, methods of investigation and principles of assessment as well as guidelines for the manufacture and...

Österreich (AT)


Two new trade descriptions for fishery products added to trade list

The correct labelling of fishery and aquaculture products contains the scientific names and the trade designation. The German Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE) keeps the "list of...

Deutschland (DE)


Amendment of Codex Section on meat and meat products

The Austrian Foodstuffs Code (Codex Alimentarius Austriacus) lays down designations, definitions, methods of investigation and principles of assessment as well as guidelines for the manufacture and...

Österreich (AT)


Amendment to the Codex Section on milk and milk products

The Austrian Foodstuffs Code (Codex Alimentarius Austriacus) lays down designations, definitions, methods of investigation and principles of assessment as well as guidelines for the manufacture and...

Österreich (AT)


Amendment of the Codex Section on honey and other apiculture products

The Austrian Foodstuffs Code (Codex Alimentarius Austriacus) lays down designations, definitions, methods of investigation and principles of assessment as well as guidelines for the manufacture and...

Österreich (AT)


Planned amendment to marketing standards for poultry meat

This draft replaces the previous Regulation (EC) No 543/2008 on marketing standards for poultry meat. The draft is intended to complement Regulation (EU) 1308/2013 on a common market organisation for...

Europäische Union (EU)
(Legal) draft


New version of the Codex section B 32 Milk and milk products

The Austrian Foodstuffs Code (Codex Alimentarius Austriacus) lays down designations, definitions, methods of investigation and principles of assessment as well as guidelines for the manufacture and...

Österreich (AT)


LMIDV draft published regarding designation of origin of loose meat

In order to make it possible for consumers to keep informed about the origin of fresh goods before buying them, the origin of meat sold loose from service counters will have to be indicated in future...

Deutschland (DE)
(Legal) draft


Notice of trade designations for fish and fishery products

The correct labelling of fishery and aquaculture products contains the scientific names and the trade designation. The German Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE) keeps the "list of...

Deutschland (DE)


"Free-range" labelling of eggs and egg products

"Free-range" refers to the keeping of livestock on a site with access to the outdoors outside stables. Certain requirements such as stocking density or time outdoors must be adhered to. The Poultry...

Schweiz (CH)


Amendment of Codex chapter B 14 Meat and meat products

The Austrian Foodstuffs Code (Codex Alimentarius Austriacus) lays down designations, definitions, methods of investigation and principles of assessment as well as guidelines for the manufacture and...

Österreich (AT)

Change to the hygiene requirements of food of animal origin

Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 governs specific hygiene requirements for food of animal origin. This Regulation will be amended. The change will result in the selling period for eggs being amended and...

Europäische Union (EU)


Decisions of ALTS on fish and fishery products

The decisions of the working group comprising experts in the field of food hygiene and foodstuffs of animal origin (the ALTS) serve as guidance for the interpretation and application of foodstuffs...

Deutschland (DE)


Decisions of ALTS on meat and meat products

The decisions of the working group comprising experts in the field of food hygiene and foodstuffs of animal origin (the ALTS) serve as guidance for the interpretation and application of foodstuffs...

Deutschland (DE)


Notice of trade designations for fish and fishery products

The correct labelling of fishery and aquaculture products contains the scientific names and the trade designation. The German Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE) keeps the "list of...

Deutschland (DE)


Amendment of guidelines for meat and meat products

The German Food Code is a collection of guidelines which describe the manufacturing, composition or other characteristics of numerous foods. The guidelines for meat and meat products which were...

Deutschland (DE)


Draft law on the national animal husbandry label published

On 21.6.2022, we reported on the key points of the 5-stage national animal welfare label. Now a draft of the BMEL for the Animal Husbandry Labelling Act is available. The draft describes the planned...

Deutschland (DE)
(Legal) draft


New version of guidelines for meat and meat products

The German Food Code is a collection of guidelines which describe the manufacturing, composition or other characteristics of numerous foods. The guidelines for meat and meat products have been revised...

Deutschland (DE)


Neufassung des Codexkapitels B 3 über Honig und andere Imkereierzeugnisse

The Austrian Foodstuffs Code (Codex Alimentarius Austriacus) lays down designations, definitions, methods of investigation and principles of assessment as well as guidelines for the manufacture and...

Österreich (AT)


Amendment of the guideline for insects bred as food

The guideline for insects bred as food is intended as a guide to the production, placement on the market, food safety and monitoring of insects bred as food. Gryllodes sigillatus (banded cricket) has...

Österreich (AT)


Cornerstones for state animal husbandry labelling published

In future, livestock farming in Germany should provide greater support for animal welfare and climate protection and also offer the farms a reliable perspective. The labelling of the farming methods...

Deutschland (DE)
(Legal) draft


Amendment of guidelines for fish and fish products

The German Food Code is a collection of guidelines which describe the manufacturing, composition or other characteristics of numerous foods. The guidelines for fish and fish products have now been...

Deutschland (DE)


Change to the guidelines for honey

The German Food Code is a collection of guidelines which describe the manufacturing, composition or other characteristics of numerous foods. The guidelines for honey have now been changed. The change...

Deutschland (DE)


Notice of trade names for fish

The correct labelling of fishery and aquaculture products contains the scientific names and the trade designation. The German Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE) keeps the "list of...

Deutschland (DE)


End of the duty to keep poultry in coops

In Information Letter 2022_039 we had informed you of the approaching deadline for the 16-week duty to keep poultry in coops. If there is a mandatory obligation to keep poultry in coops for longer...

Österreich (AT)


ALTS decision on the labelling of venison

The decisions of the working group comprising experts in the field of food hygiene and foodstuffs of animal origin (the ALTS) serve as guidance for the interpretation and application of foodstuffs...

Deutschland (DE)


Free-range eggs – labelling during confinement in coops

If there is an outbreak of bird flu in the EU, free-range poultry within the affected areas must be kept in coops. In Austria the affected areas are specified in the Avian Influenza Ordinance...

Österreich (AT)


Bekanntmachung einer vorläufigen Handelsbezeichnung für Fisch

Die korrekte Kennzeichnung von Fischereierzeugnissen und Erzeugnissen der Aquakultur beinhaltet u.a. den wissenschaftlichen Namen und die Handelsbezeichnung. Für die wissenschaftlichen Namen und die...

Deutschland (DE)


Free-range eggs – lengthier restriction on hens' access to open air If

If there is an outbreak of bird flu in the EU, free-range poultry must be kept in the building in the affected areas. In the past, eggs could be marketed as "free-range eggs" for a period of 12 weeks...

Europäische Union (EU)

No results.