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Fachthema Verpackungen und deren Entsorgung fading v2

Packaging and its disposal

This topic includes product-specific information on the following product groups:

All food and nonfood products

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New minimum standard 2024 for measuring the recyclability of packaging

The update of the minimum standard for measuring the recyclable design of packaging has already been published for 2024. In addition to theoretical recyclability, sorting and utilisation in practice...


Deposit regulation for single-use beverage containers to apply soon

In the information letter referenced below, we reported on the Austrian deposit regulation for single-use beverage containers. The regulation for single-use beverage containers made of plastic and...


Waste Management Act amendment for digitalisation has been published

The Waste Management Act amendment for digitalisation was published on 17 July 2024. The amendment enforces further digitalisation steps in the Waste Management Act. The Waste Management Act contains...


Amendment to the Waste Management Act planned for digitalisation

The Waste Management Act contains requirements for the sustainable handling of waste and is therefore intended to avoid and reduce the impact on the environment and conserve resources. Furthermore...

(Legal) draft

New deadline for foreign manufacturers to register for the Single-Use Plastic Fund

Back in April, we informed you about the deadlines for registering for the Single-Use Plastic Fund Act on the DIVID platform. Registration on the platform will be possible for foreign manufacturers...


Launch of the DIVID online platform for the Single-Use Plastics Fund

The German Federal Environment Agency's online platform DIVID started operating on 1 April 2024. It is the basis for the implementation of the Single-Use Plastics Fund Act, according to which...


Mandatory requirement for certain single-use plastic beverage containers to come into force soon

In the article referenced below, we reported on the Single-Use Plastics Labelling Regulation (EWKKennzV), which defines product requirements and labelling regulations for certain single-use plastic...


Mandatory requirement for certain single-use plastic beverage containers to come into force soon

In the article referenced below, we reported on the amendment to the Packaging Regulation, which specifies product requirements for single-use plastic beverage containers. From 3 July 2024 , beverage...


Preliminary producer manual published for distributors of single-use beverage containers

EWP Recycling Pfand Österreich gGmbH has published a producer manual on the introduction of the deposit regulation for single-use beverage containers. This contains comprehensive information for...

(Legal) draft

Implementing decision on the calculation of the recycled content in single-use plastic drinks bottles published

We reported on the draft for the calculation and verification of the content of recycled plastic in single-use plastic beverage bottles back in the spring. This has now been finalised by the EU...


Amendment of the Packaging Regulation

The Packaging Regulation contains rules regarding product responsibility for packaging and it is also intended to prevent and reduce environmental impacts of packaging waste. The amendment is...


Deposit regulation for single-use beverage packaging

The deposit regulation for single-use beverage packaging should help to achieve collection targets, promote high-quality recycling of packaging waste and prevent littering of single-use beverage...


New minimum standard 2023 for measuring the recyclability of packaging

In agreement with the Federal Environment Agency, the Central Packaging Register Foundation (Stiftung Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister, ZSVR) must develop a minimum standard for the assessment of...


Corrigendum to the Single-Use Plastic Fund Act

The Single-Use Plastic Fund Act was introduced to reduce the consumption and therefore the environmental impact of single-use plastic products. We have already reported on the obligations for...


German announcement of ISPM No. 15 for wood packaging material

The EU Plant Health Regulation (EU) 2016/2031 aims, among other things, to prevent the introduction of pests into the EU. Packing wood is considered a major risk factor for the spread of dangerous...


Publication of the guideline for the implementation of the reusable packaging obligation

The Federal/State Working Group on Waste has published a guideline for the implementation of the reusable packaging obligation according to sections 33, 34 of the Packaging Act. The aim of this...


Single-use plastic fund holds manufacturers accountable

A single-use plastic fund will be introduced to implement Article 8 of Directive (EU) 2019/904. This is intended to help reduce the littering of the environment with single-use plastic products and to...


Draft for the calculation and verification of the content of recycled plastic in single-use plastic beverage bottles

In relation to the targets of Directive (EU) 2019/904 for the minimum content of recycled plastic in single-use plastic beverage bottles, this draft aims to provide a methodology for the calculation...

(Legal) draft

Draft amendment of the Packaging Regulation

Within the framework of the planned Deposit Regulation for single-use beverage packaging, minor adjustments to the 2014 Packaging Regulation are necessary. This draft contains the amendments to the...

(Legal) draft

Draft deposit regulation for single-use beverage packaging

In order to promote high-quality recycling of packaging waste, to prevent littering of single-use beverage packaging and to be able to achieve collection targets, a draft deposit regulation for single...

(Legal) draft

Draft regulation on packaging and packaging waste

Packaging is essential for the protection and transportation of products, but it consumes significant amounts of primary raw materials and has a perceptible impact on the environment. Since the...

(Legal) draft

Minimum requirements for extended manufacturer responsibility

We reported on the amendment to the Waste Management Act in the article referenced below. Manufacturers or collection and recycling systems that have established a regime of extended manufacturer...


New version of the Regulation on recycled plastic for food contact materials

Regulation (EC(EG) Nr. 282/2008) No 282/2008 governed the recycling processes for plastics intended to come into contact with foods to date. However, as not all plastics or processes are covered by...


Regulation on authorised representatives and reporting obligations of the packaging regulation valid soon

The Packaging regulation contains rules regarding product responsibility for packaging, and it is also intended to prevent and reduce the environmental impacts of packaging waste. The amendment is...


Disposable alternative for disposable plastic food packaging and disposable beverage cups

We informed you about the amendment to the Packaging Act in the article referenced below. Final distributors that fill disposable plastic food packaging and disposable beverage cups with product on...


Novellierung des Verpackungsgesetzes

Das Verpackungsgesetz enthält Vorgaben zur Produktverantwortung an Verpackungen und soll zusätzlich die Auswirkungen von Verpackungsabfällen auf die Umwelt vermeiden und verringern. Fristgerecht...


New minimum standard for the assessment of the recyclability of the ZSVR foundation

The Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister foundation (ZSVR) must develop a minimum standard for the assessment of the recyclability of packaging subject to the system participation obligation according...


Clarification of the ban on plastic carrier bags

We reported on the ban on distributing plastic carrier bags in Austria in the article referenced below. Due to misunderstandings about the implementation of the ban, the Federal Ministry for Climate...


The sell-off deadline for beverage containers with no deposit is expiring

The revised version of the Packaging Law (Verpackungsgesetz) has extended the duty to provide a deposit to single-use plastic beverage containers containing various alcoholic drinks, juices and juice...


Amendment to the Packaging regulation

The Packaging regulation contains rules regarding product responsibility for packaging, and it is also intended to prevent and reduce the environmental impacts of packaging waste. The amendment is...


Novellierung des Abfallwirtschaftsgesetzes

Das Abfallwirtschaftsgesetz enthält Vorgaben zum nachhaltigen Umgang der Abfallwirtschaft und soll die Einwirkungen auf die Umwelt vermeiden und verringern, die Ressourcen schonen und gibt Vorgaben...


Calculation method, data transfer and data verification of the single-use plastic beverage bottles collected separately

Die Europäische Kommission hat zur Konkretisierung der Richtlinie (EU) 2019/904 (Einwegkunststoffrichtlinie) klargestellt, wie die getrennte Sammlung einheitlich und richtig berechnet wird. Die...


Teilweise Umsetzung der Einwegkunststoffrichtlinie in weiterer Verordnung

Die neue Einwegkunststoffkennzeichnungsverordnung (EWKKennzV) enthält Produktanforderungen an die Beschaffenheit von bestimmten Einwegkunststoffgetränkebehältern und regelt die Kennzeichnungspflicht...


Novellierung des Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetzes sowie Änderung des Verpackungsgesetzes

Der Bundestag hat durch das Gesetz zur Umsetzung der Abfallrahmenrichtlinie der Europäischen Union Änderungen an folgenden nationalen Gesetzen durchgeführt: Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz (KrWG) Elektro-...


Verbot von Kunststofftragetaschen

Mit der oben genannten Änderung des Abfallwirtschaftsgesetzes wird unter anderem ein Verbot für das Inverkehrsetzen von Kunststofftragetaschen eingeführt. Als Kunststofftragetaschen gelten in diesem...


Directive on single-use plastic products published

Given the growing burden on the seas caused by plastic waste, which often consists of single-use plastic products, the European Parliament and the Council have drawn up a Directive with requirements...


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