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Fachthema Textilien und Einrichtung fading v5

Textiles and furnishings

This topic includes product-specific information on the following product groups:

Clothing, shoes, home textiles, decoration, candles, handicraft supplies, personal accessories, suitcases, bags, furniture

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Reminder about the obligation to disclose the destruction of unsold products

In the article referenced below, we reported on the publication of the Ecodesign Regulation (EU) 2024/1781 (Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation, ESPR). It came into force on 18 July 2024 and...

Europäische Union (EU)

New regulations for jewellery and tattoo inks will soon come into force

We reported in the article referenced below that the Regulation on Articles for Human Contact was amended as part of Stretto 4. In addition to clarifying how the limit values for lead and cadmium are...

Schweiz (CH)


Draft amendment to the Fur Declaration Regulation

In April 2023, the Swiss Federal Council instructed the Swiss Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA) to draw up a consultation draft for a ban on the import of furs and fur products produced in a...

Schweiz (CH)
(Legal) draft

Amendment to the Regulation on articles for human contact

As part of the revision of the food law package (Stretto 4), 25 regulations will be amended. The revision is intended to strengthen health and fraud protection and harmonise the content with EU law...

Schweiz (CH)

Transitional period for formaldehyde in certain textiles ends

With the article referenced below, we informed you about the restriction for certain substances in textiles and footwear due to the amendment of the REACH Regulation. The transitional period for the...

Europäische Union (EU)
Schweiz (CH)

Revision of the EU Waste Framework Directive

The EU Waste Framework Directive deals with the proper management of waste in the EU. In order to reduce waste generation, improve separate collection and increase reuse, a draft revision of the Waste...

Europäische Union (EU)
(Legal) draft

Opinion of the working group of food chemistry experts of the states and the federal office for consumer protection and food safety on consumer goods

Opinion of the Working Group of Food Chemistry Experts of the states and the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (ALS) serve as guidance for the interpretation and application of...

Deutschland (DE)


EU Sustainable Textiles Strategy published

Under the motto of taking fast fashion out of fashion, the entire textile industry is to move towards a sustainable circular economy. By 2030, textile products made available on the EU market should...

Europäische Union (EU)
(Legal) draft

Gegenstände für den Humankontakt – Änderungen im Bereich Babyartikel und Textilien

Die Verordnung des EDI über Gegenstände für den Schleimhaut-, Haut- und Haarkontakt sowie über Kerzen, Streichhölzer, Feuerzeuge und Scherzartikel legt unter anderem Anforderungen an Babyartikel sowie...

Schweiz (CH)

Beschränkungen für bestimmte Stoffe in Textilien und Schuhen durch Änderung der REACH-Verordnung

Die Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1907/2006, kurz REACH-Verordnung, regelt die Registrierung, Bewertung, Zulassung und Beschränkung von chemischen Stoffen in der EU. Anhang XVII der REACH-Verordnung enthält...

Europäische Union (EU)
Schweiz (CH)

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